First Time Assetto Corsa on Debian12/Linux 2024

Hi Lutris forum!

Using Linux/Debian12 and have been trying to get Assetto Corsa to launch via Lutris.

Is anyone using this distro and able to play AC without any issues?

Have downloaded everything except latest GE from github…i think i found the latest file, but unable to create a directory for it…but i already see latest GE 9 in the list of options.

I open Steam and it just stays on launching so unable to play this awesome game…which I’ve never played before…but i have a steering wheel now! :stuck_out_tongue:

Any help or suggestions would be great thank you!


All Lutris does is launch Steam, so it isn’t really involved. If the game is in Steam and it doesn’t work, then the best place to check for workarounds is ProtonDB

As for GE’s Proton - install instructions for Steam are on GitHub, but in short, shutdown Steam, create the tools directory for it mkdir ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d unpack the GE archive into it.

After that it will show up in the selectable versions in Steam, and will also be usable by Lutris if you have umu-launcher installed.

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Hi thanks for the reply!

To create the tools directory, do i simply enter that into a terminal and it creates a folder somewhere?

If it does, how do i find that folder?

I can’t find a root file anywhere after looking.

Thanks for your help.

Ooh found the folder and extracted contents, ok will see if it works thanks again!

Sadly not luck, it went from launching to Running…then stopped so wont launch or run.

Will try again tomorrow.

Still trying to get it to launch…after extracting the contents i can’t see anything different to choose from.

Apart from that not sure what else to do, unless the file i extracted isnt the correct file! :stuck_out_tongue:

Almost 1am and havent been successful, think i might have to get a windows pc to play this, nothing works after finding the exe file. :frowning:

Just please confirm if Assetto Corsa was installed via Steam :slight_smile:

For Steam games, it is best not to change things in Lutris, instead change the configuration in Steam.

Enable SteamPlay for everything → Steam Settings, compatibility, then click the slider to enable steam play for all titles, and select the Default Proton - I chose Experimental because I have good results with it.

Then, right click on your game, properties, then compatibility - and select the right Proton from the drop-down. (Yes, Space Giraffe is a thing <3 Jeff Minter’s work)

When you launch the game through Lutris, those are the settings it will use.

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Hi thanks again for the reply.

I will try as you mentioned…i can’t remember if it was installed via steam so i might remove everything and try again.

Thanks again!

Steam crashed my pc, had to hard shut down…hasn’t been the same since.
After restarting steam it was asking me to install AC again, so getting nowhere again…but when i went to launch the game it got as far as processing vulkan shaders then crashed.

I did a verify files check and it didnt like that…anyway pushing on it’s very close now.

Thats me done, but my PC is hardly working now so time to forget about this game, too many hours wasted, appreciate the help but i know when I’m out of my depth. Time to delete everything thanks again.

Steam crashed and wiped all of my bookmarks…crazy.

Will try the install again, thanks again for the help.

Well, it goes without saying Steam shouldn’t be crashing at all. I mean my system is more stable than it ever was on Windows. If starting out for the first time, you might need more Linux help than Lutris help.
Check the lutris install on GitHub

I would start by making sure you are running a version 6.x kernel, whatever distribution you chose.
Make sure you have enabled 32-bit support, then install wine-staging from wineHQ for your distribution.

Check drivers - Both AMD and Nvidia cards have vulkan drivers which must be installed to properly support Steam Proton and Lutris, otherwise it defaults to using OpenGL which could be causing your crashes. docs/ at master · lutris/docs · GitHub

Nvidia’s own (either 535, 550 or 565 depending on your card) for Nvidia cards, and repo or PPA Mesa 24+ for AMD (AMD’s own drivers include compute components, and are less optimal for gaming)

The other thing that can cause problems is Python - if you use Python for other projects and install other libraries or frameworks for your user, that may cause problems with other applications.

If this is all too confusing, you can try the Lutris Discord channel for some help.

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Hi again, never received any help at Discord my message was ignored so that was that.

If trying to install a game has the ability to wipe all bookmarks from 2 different browsers then i most certainly do not know what I’m doing.

I’ve been using Linux for years and can’t stand windows which is why I’m in this situation.

But despite that when it comes to things like this it can be very confusing for there are way too many variables to get something to run, so I’ve decided if i want to play driving games i will need to get a windows pc as much as that will kill me, i can’t stand windows i literally despise that OS.

As they say if you can’t beat them join them, so i’ll be joining them.

I tried again and had no luck and realised I’m out of my depth.

Appreciate the help but I’m too thick for this kind of thing, it’s like i need to be a computer programmer or something.

Thanks for the help but i simply have not been able to get this to run so will delete everything steam related on this pc.

All the best.

Did you install Steam according to the Debian wiki? Was the drive you installed the game to formatted to ext4? If not then the game won’t start. It’ll just say running for a sec and then fail out.

When the PC crashed, if it was around the time of processing Vulkan shaders then I wouldn’t be surprised. It will immediately stress your CPU to 100% and if you don’t have adequate cooling then the machine will shut down to stop the CPU being killed.

I never knew i had to install Steam from a wiki guide.

I never knew the drive had to be formatted to ext4.

I never saw anything of what you just described.

If what you described needs to be done…then windows is the only way for me now.

That is simply too much going on and would most likely result in me crashing my pc and having to do a complete re-installation.

I’m happy to know I’m defeated it simply wasn’t meant to be but please remember i spent many hours on this so i know I’m done and best to move on thanks anyway.

I went to this site to download the drivers and didn’t look like it went well, i used this command-
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa && sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y nvidia-driver-535 libvulkan1 libvulkan1:i386

This was my terminal error message-
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘people’

This is when the midnight oil is about to begin…there is sadly no straight forward install…i think it’s why i lost all bookmarks because i was entering so many commands and must have sent stuff everywhere.