Hello. I am trying to install a game through lutris using a YML script. I get a specific error 256 during the
install process and it exits without having installed the game.
I have the following pastebin links:
lutris -d output logs from terminal:
output of lutris --submit-issue (says pending moderation on pastebin. Please let me know if not accessible and I will provide a substitute link asap)
I do not believe I can get any game logs as I am unable to install the game in the first place. I can only include two links in my post. I will try and see if I can comment to post a pastebin link for the yml script itself if that helps. If I cannot my apologies let me know how I can get that link to you if you need it.
I have talked with the developers of the game and troubleshooted with them as well. To give a bit of context. This is essentially a modded version of starcraft brood war 1.16 from 2002 which is now free. brood war 1.16 itself runs just fine. as does starcraft remastered through lutris I can play and install brood war 1.16 separately with no issue. I am submitting these here as well to see if there is a lutris issue specifically. other people are able to install the game and play it via lutris with no issues. One person is also on fedora linux and has it installed with no problem. If any of that information helps.
If I have forgotten or missed anything my apologies please do let me know and I will get that for you asap. Thank you for your time.