Failed to retrieve libretro (mupen64plus_next) information

I import a N64 game, launch and let Lutris download the runner.
It says:

Failed to retrieve libretro (mupen64plus_next) information

I have the same problem. Did you fix it?

I just used the mupen64plus_next via Libretro/RetroArch instead. That works perfectly.

Libretro/RetroArch does take a bit getting used to… learning about cores, etc. After that it’s a great piece of software!

I’m having this same problem now. I prefer to use the API and have my games launch-able through Lutris. I’m on Debian 12 so I made a deb package out of mupen64plus_next, but underscores are not allowed on debian package names, so I changed it to a hyphen (-). I think this is why Lutris can’t detect the core. It shows up and is selectable in Retroarch’s GUI.