Execute linux commands before running wine game?

This is how I launch the game in the terminal. I need to run the first two commands in order for the game to run properly. How do I edit the game runner to execute the killall pulseaudio and pulseaudio --disable-shm=true before it runs the game within Lutris?

$ killall pulseaudio
$ pulseaudio --disable-shm=true
$ env WINEPREFIX="/home/ahmed/HaloOnline" wine "C:\windows\command\start.exe" /Unix "/home/ahmed/HaloOnline/drive_c/Program Files/Halo Online/eldorado.exe"

Create a bash script containing the two commands. Place the path it in the pre launch command field.

I made this script and then I set it as the game runner “pre-launch command” file, but I also enable “Run in a terminal” and the terminal window does not show those commands being executed before it executes the game.


killall pulseaudio
pulseaudio --disable-shm=true

Does the pulseaudio command output anything or does it just return to the prompt? Killall just returns so you wouldn’t see it.

echo "Stopping Pulseaudio..."
killall pulseaudio
echo "Starting Pulseaudio with shm disabled..."
pulseaudio --disable-shm=true

You could also try to run Lutris from the console and then monitor there whether you see output.