Doesn't Found repository installing Lutris - Ubuntu 18.04


I’m having problem installing Lutris. Basically I’m just running the 3 command lines, that appear in the main website of the download. But when running this happen:

Err:8 ./ Release
** 404 Not Found [IP: 80]**
Leyendo lista de paquetes… Hecho
E: El repositorio « (1) -here it’s the url but I erased becaus limitations of url for being a new user» no tiene un fichero de Publicación.
N: No se puede actualizar de un repositorio como este de forma segura y por tanto está deshabilitado por omisión.
N: Vea la página de manual apt-secure(8) para los detalles sobre la creación de repositorios y la configuración de usuarios.

Sorry it’s in Spanish, but basically what the bold text say it’s:
E: El repositorio « (1) » no tiene un fichero de Publicación.
The repository « (1) » Doesn’t have a publication file.

For what I understand, the url doesn’t contain anything or the file doesn’t exist. I go to the url and get the error 404, but if i go up in the file I get a web page whit a lot of folders but I don’t see a file or folder whit the name xUbuntu_18.04.

That was just the first command to install, but the update just throw the same and installing just say that doesn’t found the package.

Sorry if it’s not very clear, my English is not the best.
I hope somebody know how to solve this.
Goodbye and thanks.

If you open the link in browser, it clearly says “Resource is no longer available!” (Also, isn’t that an OpenSUSE site?)

Try removing that link from your config and setting up current PPA for Ubuntu.

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Thanks, i get it with this