Dday-normandy installer

Hi all,
I just discover lutris now, it’s a really good software :o
And i seen that my release of dday normandy is already on your website :o
It is a great honor for me :stuck_out_tongue:

But I read the install script, and I seen that it simply extract my last release in zip.
I recently learn that some 32bits distribution of linux are in i486, i586, or i686, and this zip work only on i386
I do not yet fix that now, but maybe it could be best to compil it. is it possible to write a script who compil directly the game ?

I added dday 3 days ago (;
A linux running a i486 (or i586, i686) can run i386 applications.
The only problem is the libs which can change depending on the OS architecture.
But i don’t think it is going to be a problem for this game (;

Good day!

I know that this release do not work on debian, A debian user repport to that it do not work on his computer, he had to compil the game. So I think that it is a problem no ?

The different 32bit architectures don’t really make any difference now in 2017, what is commonly referred to as i386 is probably i686. Game releases should have at least a 64bit release and possibly a 32bit releases (or having just a 32bit release is fine too).

We don’t compile game in Lutris script since those would require users to install build tools, we provide pre-built binaries. If needed, we can provide a build of your game that will work against the Lutris runtime (based on Ubuntu 16.04 for the most part)