When Control reaches the title screen it won’t acknowledge any button presses to get into the menu. I can press escape or space on the previous screens to skip them but nothing after. It will register if I switch to a controller, too, as it will change the prompt to “Press “A” to start”. I’ve ran the game with the DX11 and DX12 exes to no avail. Seems to be a common issue but can’t figure out a fix for linux/wine as most others who have had the problem have been using Windows.
pastebin of system info
If you’re using Steam check the Steam input profile, or disable Steam input for that game, also try unplugging all joypads and see if it works without it.
Can try different runners - ProtonDB reports the Steam deck was working on proton9, and others seem to have success using Proton Experimental. If no Steam, you can always always source GE-Proton inside the Lutris client, or download from GitHub.
Lastly, not sure if I’m reading your sysinfo right, but looks like you are running Gnome on X11 - if that is the case try switching to wayland - it is now pretty stable for gaming.
As an off the wall thing, the ibus daemon has been known to cause issues if it switches from your native language layout for games.
I will look into these things. It’s a GOG install. Thank you for the response!
I have exactly the same problem right now. But I’m using KDE on Wayland. This seems to be a known problem. With Windows it is supposed to help to start Control with admin rights. But as far as I know, games with wine already run with admin rights in their prefix.
But what is strange is that when I install Control in Heroic, it works! And in Heroic I use the same Wine version as in Lutris.
WINE is effectively “UAC off,” so you are right there.
Did you use GE’s custom WINE or Proton in Heroic? Also, are you able to try ge-proton in Lutris?
I’ve not used Heroic personally, so will have a poke at that later. I tend to fall back to running stuff from the command line when I want to debug issues.
Like Heroic, Lutris does apply some defaults - DXVK version, esync/fsync etc, which you can selectively tweak when testing using the default wine-ge-8-26 runner which includes support for it.
Edit: Whilst doing this did have a poke at Heroic - noticed it added a lot of directX DLL overrides to any WINE prefix including d3d12 - they were not defaults in any of mine.
I’m using wine-ge in Lutris. Switched to some other versions but the only one that worked was the default which is 8-26-X86_64.
I could try Heroic I guess! Goofy to be using a second launcher for one game but hey if it works it works.
Edit: Works on Heroic for me, too! Used the installers that were in my GOG download cache and installed manually through Heroic’s “add game” option. Would it be possible to copy the wine prefix over to the Lutris install?