Using the Lutris install that utilizes the legluondunet install script.
Files download and install commences, fails shortly thereafter with this log:
Using the Lutris install that utilizes the legluondunet install script.
Files download and install commences, fails shortly thereafter with this log:
Looks like your login to GoG expired - the token is also used to download the game installer, which didn’t run, then it tried to extract…not very much
Try reconnecting the GoG source - things will vanish temporarily! Don’t worry - nothing will happen to them and will all re-appear when you login again.
No dice. I disconnected from GOG and reconnected and kicked off the install again, same error:
This is on a different machine now but same error. I installed the innoextract package, no difference.
Here’s a quirk, if I use the auto-generated GOG installer, it installs fine, which leads me to believe the issue is with the legluondunet’s install script.
The problem with that is it doesnt give you a way to launch the Civ4 expansions, just the main game.
The auto script doesn’t do any tweaking, whereas the maintained script extracts files to do some customisation.
Lutris might be using an old innoextract, or one from another location which can’t handle the GoG files. It should be v1.9
Re-run lutris in debug mode and it’ll give you a lot more output at the point of extract.
Mine looks like this (before the list of the hundreds of files pulled by innoextract)
INFO 2024-12-22 13:45:34,607 [wine.create_prefix:185]:win64 Prefix created in /games/lutris/gog/sid-meiers-civilization-iv
DEBUG 2024-12-22 13:45:34,624 [interpreter._iter_commands:319]:Installer command: {'extract': {'dst': '$CACHE', 'file': 'gogsetup', 'format': 'gog'}}
DEBUG 2024-12-22 13:45:34,645 [commands.extract:207]:Extracting setup_civilization4_complete_2.0.0.4.exe
DEBUG 2024-12-22 13:45:34,645 [commands.extract:211]:extracting file /opt/lutris-cache/sid-meiers-civilization-iv/gog/setup_civilization4_complete_2.0.0.4.exe to /home/user/.cache/lutris/installer/sid-meiers-civilization-iv
DEBUG 2024-12-22 13:45:34,660 [extract.extract_archive:22]:Extracting /opt/lutris-cache/sid-meiers-civilization-iv/gog/setup_civilization4_complete_2.0.0.4.exe to /home/user/.cache/lutris/installer/sid-meiers-civilization-iv
Inspecting "Sid Meier's Civilization IV Complete" - setup data version 5.5.0 (unicode)
- english: English
- german: Deutsch
- french: Français game ID is 1760534591
Extracting "Sid Meier's Civilization IV Complete" - setup data version 5.5.0 (unicode)
- "userappdata/My Games/"
- "userdocs/My Games/Beyond The Sword/CivilizationIV.ini", "userdocs/My Games/Warlords/CivilizationIV.ini", "userdocs/My Games/Civ4Colonization/CivilizationIV.ini", "userdocs/My Games/Civ4/CivilizationIV.ini"
- "app/GameuxInstallHelper.dll"
Extracting from /opt/lutris-cache/sid-meiers-civilization-iv/gog/setup_civilization4_complete_2.0.0.4-1.bin
Ok, debug output is showing that it cant extract the .bin and suggests installing unrar or unar. Unrar was already installed, unar was not so I installed via apt.
Relaunched Lutris and tried install again, no change…
Run a couple of quick tests to see why Lutris can’t find it.
Run a terminal, see where your PATH points and make sure an unrar command is found on the command line.
The command unrar x setup_civilization4_complete_2.0.0.4-1.bin (or wherever you downloaded it) should just extract all the files into a few subdirectories called “DirectXpackage/ game/ support/ __unpacker/,” all of which you can just remove.
If that is working normally, then either the Lutris environment is weird (are you running flatpak?) or the Python environment might have an issue.
Late Edit: If all else fails, and as a dirty workaround, you can copy (or link) the installed unrar commmand (usually /usr/bin/unrar) into somewhere in your local user’s binary paths so Lutris can find it (usually Linux user “.profile” pulls in a few places like ~/.local/bin/)
First things first, I’m running Linux Mint 22 with the flatpak version of Lutris installed(0.5.18).
~$ echo $PATH`
~$ python3 --version
Python 3.12.3
~$ innoextract --version
innoextract 1.9
Extracts installers created by Inno Setup 1.2.10 to 6.0.5
Running $ innoextract --gog setup_civilization4_complete_2.0.0.4.exe
does successfully extract the files from the .exe and .bin.
Locally cached files and verified they are where the error log is saying they are:
:~/Games/installers/sid-meiers-civilization-iv/gog$ ls
Extracting "Sid Meier's Civilization IV Complete" - setup data version 5.5.0 (unicode)
- "userappdata/My Games/"
- "userdocs/My Games/Beyond The Sword/CivilizationIV.ini", "userdocs/My Games/Warlords/CivilizationIV.ini", "userdocs/My Games/Civ4Colonization/CivilizationIV.ini", "userdocs/My Games/Civ4/CivilizationIV.ini"
- "app/GameuxInstallHelper.dll"
Could not extract "/home/corey/Games/installers/sid-meiers-civilization-iv/gog/setup_civilization4_complete_2.0.0.4-1.bin": install `unrar` or `unar`
Done with 1 error.
I’ve been beating my head against the wall trying to debug this. It seems everything works when manually executed outside Lutris, it just cant execute it all from within it…
The “get running now” fix is to copy the unrar binary to the root of your home directory as “unrar”
sudo cp -p /usr/bin/unrar-free ~/unrar
…or /usr/bin/unrar-nonfree if you’re using that. Otherwise, you’ll need to adjust the FlatPak package (install Flatseal) and add it.
Lutris Flatpak sandbox (obviously) seems to be missing a usable unrar - probably a build omission, and needs to be reported. It is likely they avoided it because of the whole free/non-free thing.
…I hate sandboxes xkcd: Sandboxing Cycle
my script installer works without issue on Lutris 0.5.18, official Manjaro depot.
I don’t have rar or unrar package installed.
I will try with Flatpak to see if I can reproduce your issue.
I can reproduce your issue with Lutris Flatpak, same error message:
Could not extract "/run/media/legluondunet/JEUX/lutris-cache/sid-meiers-civilization-iv/gog/setup_civilization4_complete_2.0.0.4-1.bin": install `unrar` or `unar`
I need to understand why and how to fix this issue
It’s a Lutris Flatpak bug, I reported it on Github:
Thank you for confirming the issue and submitting the bug report. I can stop beating my head against the wall for the time being
I went with the flatpak as its 5.18, system package is only 5.14-2.