Can't install Wahoo SYSTM - Initial process has exited

Hi everyone,

I’m still struggling with one issue big issue on my Arch install, keeping me from leaving Windows fully: getting my Smart Bike training app, Wahoo SYSTM, to work.

I couldn’t get it to install via Lutris, but I managed to run it directly through Wine. Unfortunately, Bluetooth doesn’t work in this setup, even though I can pair the Smart Bike with the OS itself. Also, Zwift (another training app/game works perfectly well via Lutris), so my hopes were high, that maybe SYSTM would also work.

When trying to install it through ‘Initial process has exited (return code: 0)’ at my face.

Does anyone have a solution for this? Like I said, installing in Wine worked perfectly well, I just can’t get BT to work. Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Managed to get Wahoo SYSTM installed by changing the Wine-Version from wine-ge-8-26-x86_64 to System (9.22 (Staging)). Now I just need to get Bluetooth to work, somehow. It does with Zwift on the same machine, same Lutris.

The short version it is there isn’t support for mapping bluetooth devices in WINE…yet. Similar for things like USB cameras - Windows programs expect there to be a usable Windows device, and there isn’t support for it.

However, there is (beta) bluetooth coming in WINE 10 which is undergoing release candidates now, but I’d would not expect it to be working right off. Likely it will be some time before many bluetooth devices work.

Thanks, but why is Zwift working flawlessly with Bluetooth? The must be some fix Lutris applied to Zwift but not to SYSTM. I mean, two apps, same machine, same OS, same Lutris, same Wine version.

Well either Arch has already pulled some of the bluetooth code into their WINE 9 build, or the device is presented as something WINE can actually map - joysticks, displays, audio devices, and a few other things.

Was a good idea though. Tried launching SYSTM from the exact prefix/installation Zwift owns in Lutris, but sadly still no bluetooth.
Most likely you are right - Zwift is probably handling BT differently.

There is a hint in the Logfiles though

Unhandled Exception:
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'WindowsBtle.BluetoothUwp:adapterWatcher' (0) due to: Could not load file or assembly 'Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
  at WindowsBtle.Program.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00001] in <aae1425b4362487c96aa496985d7ddeb>:0 
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'WindowsBtle.BluetoothUwp:adapterWatcher' (0) due to: Could not load file or assembly 'Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.

Edit: I should have understood that I can simply download the .NET .exe and install it within the prefix, even though installing Edge with the regular .exe was already a solution step for Zwift.

Unfortunately, .NET 7 didn’t solve the problem. I also tried .NET 8 and installed VC++, but none of it worked. I then tried Bottles, but still no success.

Edit: I discussed a bit with ChatGPT, and it occurred to me that I still have a Crossover license from my Mac days in the fall. The software is also available for Linux. I’ll try that now; maybe there are some fixes built into it that will help me.

Edit: Crossover doesn’t help at all because Wahoo SYSTM can’t be installed as an admin, and Crossover always runs in admin mode.

Edit: Have tried out Trainingeaks Virtual, and it worked OOTB withouth any issues. Seems like SYSTM is the outlier here.

Edit: Wine 10 didn’t help a bit. Wahoo Systm isn’t launching.

Edit: Wine 10 Staging did help, for the first time now I get a specific error, pointing to the issue:
Seems to be a critical error in wine with WindowsBtle.exe

Here is the log:

Unhandled exception: 0xe0434352 in wow64 32-bit code (0x7bc17be8).
Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:002b
 EIP:7bc17be8 ESP:0012e1b0 EBP:0012e208 EFLAGS:00000246(   - --  I  Z- -P- )
 EAX:0012e1b0 EBX:00000010 ECX:0012e1c4 EDX:0012e270
 ESI:00000000 EDI:00000001
Stack dump:
0x0012e1b0:  e0434352 00000001 00000000 7bc17be8
0x0012e1c0:  00000005 80131522 00000000 00000000
0x0012e1d0:  00000000 7a620000 00913498 0012f3f4
0x0012e1e0:  00000001 00be403c 00000001 00417506
0x0012e1f0:  00000002 0093acb0 00010078 0012e1d0
0x0012e200:  00000005 0012e270 0012e2a4 7a7d70f1
=>0 0x7bc17be8 in kernelbase (+0x47be8) (0x0012e208)
  1 0x7a7d70f1 in clr (+0x1b70f1) (0x0012e2a4)
  2 0x7a782d82 in clr (+0x162d82) (0x0012e2d8)
  3 0x7a96ee8d in clr (+0x34ee8d) (0x0012e36c)
  4 0x7a58138c in clrjit (+0x138c) (0x0012e384)
  5 0x7a5a47bd in clrjit (+0x247bd) (0x0012eac4)
  6 0x7a582e6b in clrjit (+0x2e6b) (0x0012eb4c)
  7 0x7a58306a in clrjit (+0x306a) (0x0012eb64)
  8 0x7a58364f in clrjit (+0x364f) (0x0012eb80)
  9 0x7a584276 in clrjit (+0x4276) (0x0012ebc0)
  10 0x7a5843fc in clrjit (+0x43fc) (0x0012ec38)
  11 0x7a5845c8 in clrjit (+0x45c8) (0x0012ed38)
  12 0x7a58377d in clrjit (+0x377d) (0x0012ed80)
  13 0x7a653913 in clr (+0x33913) (0x0012eddc)
  14 0x7a6539eb in clr (+0x339eb) (0x0012ee24)
  15 0x7a653a48 in clr (+0x33a48) (0x0012ee90)
  16 0x7a653cf7 in clr (+0x33cf7) (0x0012f250)
  17 0x7a6536fc in clr (+0x336fc) (0x0012f344)
  18 0x7a655353 in clr (+0x35353) (0x0012f3bc)
  19 0x7a6463ef in clr (+0x263ef) (0x0012f438)
  20 0x7a62f49b in clr (+0xf49b) (0x0012f45c)
  21 0x042f08f4 (0x0012f4dc)
  22 0x042f0864 (0x0012f4e8)
  23 0x7a62f016 in clr (+0xf016) (0x0012f4f4)
  24 0x7a6322ba in clr (+0x122ba) (0x0012f548)
  25 0x7a63850b in clr (+0x1850b) (0x0012f5b8)
  26 0x7a7d1d0b in clr (+0x1b1d0b) (0x0012f6dc)
  27 0x7a7d23ea in clr (+0x1b23ea) (0x0012f948)
  28 0x7a7d2317 in clr (+0x1b2317) (0x0012fe2c)
  29 0x7a7d2498 in clr (+0x1b2498) (0x0012fe84)
  30 0x7a7d25be in clr (+0x1b25be) (0x0012fec4)
  31 0x7a7cdef5 in clr (+0x1adef5) (0x0012ff00)
  32 0x7afefa84 in mscoreei (+0xfa84) (0x0012ff38)
  33 0x7b827f16 in mscoree (+0x7f16) (0x0012ff48)
  34 0x7b824de3 in mscoree (+0x4de3) (0x0012ff68)
  35 0x7bf3ce83 in ntdll (+0xce83) (0x0012ff80)
  36 0x7bf71ae5 in ntdll (+0x41ae5) (0x0012ffec)
0x7bc17be8 kernelbase+0x47be8: subl $4, %esp
Module  Address                 Debug info      Name (29 modules)
PE        400000-  41e000       Deferred        windowsbtle
PE       2ef0000- 42ec000       Deferred
PE      7a430000-7a535000       Deferred        diasymreader
PE-Wine 7a550000-7a565000       Deferred        wintypes
PE      7a580000-7a609000       --none--        clrjit
PE      7a620000-7adcf000       --none--        clr
PE-Wine 7af20000-7af2c000       Deferred        version
PE-Wine 7af40000-7af58000       Deferred        shcore
PE-Wine 7af70000-7afc5000       Deferred        shlwapi
PE      7afe0000-7b06d000       --none--        mscoreei
PE-Wine 7b210000-7b22e000       Deferred        imm32
PE-Wine 7b240000-7b30d000       Deferred        oleaut32
PE-Wine 7b320000-7b338000       Deferred        coml2
PE-Wine 7b350000-7b3e0000       Deferred        rpcrt4
PE-Wine 7b3f0000-7b428000       Deferred        win32u
PE-Wine 7b440000-7b618000       Deferred        user32
PE-Wine 7b630000-7b6c1000       Deferred        gdi32
PE-Wine 7b6e0000-7b72f000       Deferred        combase
PE-Wine 7b740000-7b807000       Deferred        ole32
PE      7b820000-7b86a000       --none--        mscoree
PE      7b880000-7b92b000       Deferred        ucrtbase_clr0400
PE      7b940000-7b954000       Deferred        vcruntime140_clr0400
PE      7b970000-7ba51000       Deferred        ucrtbase
PE-Wine 7ba70000-7ba8e000       Deferred        sechost
PE-Wine 7baa0000-7bb60000       Deferred        msvcrt
PE-Wine 7bb70000-7bbb2000       Deferred        advapi32
PE-Wine 7bbd0000-7be7a000       Dwarf-5         kernelbase
PE-Wine 7be90000-7beff000       Deferred        kernel32
PE-Wine 7bf30000-7bff0000       Dwarf-5         ntdll
process  tid      prio    name (all IDs are in hex)
00000038 services.exe
	0000003c    0     
	00000040    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
	0000004c    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	00000074    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	00000090    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	000000b4    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	000000b8    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	000000d4    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	000000f8    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	00000124    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	00000134    0     
	00000140    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
00000044 winedevice.exe
	00000048    0     
	00000054    0     
	00000058    0     wine_sechost_service
	0000005c    0     
	00000060    0     
	00000064    0     
	00000068    0     
	000000e8    0     
	000000ec    0     
	0000029c    0     wine_threadpool_worker
0000006c svchost.exe
	00000070    0     
	00000078    0     
	0000007c    0     wine_sechost_service
00000080 mscorsvw.exe
	00000084    0     
	00000094    0     
	00000098    0     wine_sechost_service
	0000009c    0     
00000088 explorer.exe
	0000008c    0     
	000000a8    0     
	000000ac    0     wine_explorer_display_settings_restorer
	000000b0    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
000000a0 plugplay.exe
	000000a4    0     
	000000c0    0     
	000000c4    0     wine_sechost_service
	000000c8    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
	0000011c    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	00000120    0     wine_threadpool_worker
	00000310    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	00000314    0     wine_threadpool_worker
000000cc mscorsvw.exe
	000000d0    0     
	000000d8    0     
	000000dc    0     wine_sechost_service
	000000e0    0     
000000f0 winedevice.exe
	000000f4    0     
	000000fc    0     
	00000100    0     wine_sechost_service
	00000104    0     
	00000108    0     
	0000010c    0     
	00000110    0     
	00000114    0     
	00000128    0     
	0000012c    0     
	00000130    0     
00000138 rpcss.exe
	0000013c    0     
	00000144    0     
	00000148    0     wine_sechost_service
	0000014c    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
	00000150    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
	00000154    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	000004b4    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
	000004b8    0     wine_threadpool_worker
	0000053c    0     wine_rpcrt4_io
00000274 SYSTM.exe
	00000278    0     CrBrowserMain
	0000027c    0     LoaderLockSampler
	00000280    0     BrokerEvent
	00000284    0     ThreadPoolServiceThread
	00000288    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	0000028c   -2     ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker
	00000290    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000294    0     Chrome_IOThread
	00000298    0     MemoryInfra
	000002bc    0     
	000002c0    0     
	000002c4    0     
	000002c8    0     
	000002d0    0     
	000002d4    0     
	000002d8    0     
	000002dc    0     
	000002e0    0     wine_threadpool_worker
	000002e4    0     wine_threadpool_waitqueue
	000002e8    0     ThreadPoolSingleThreadCOMSTASharedForeground0
	000002ec    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	000002f0    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	000002f4    0     ThreadPoolSingleThreadForegroundBlocking1
	000002f8    0     CompositorTileWorker1
	00000304    0     wine_sechost_device_notify
	00000308    0     VideoCaptureThread
	0000030c    0     
	00000318    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
	00000324    0     ThreadPoolSingleThreadCOMSTASharedForegroundBlocking2
	0000038c    0     CacheThread_BlockFile
	00000398   -2     ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker
	000003a0   -2     ThreadPoolSingleThreadCOMSTABackgroundBlocking3
	000003a8   -2     ThreadPoolSingleThreadSharedBackgroundBlocking4
	00000478    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000494    0     wine_wininet_collect_connections
000002fc SYSTM.exe
	00000300    1     CrGpuMain
	00000330    0     LoaderLockSampler
	00000388    0     GpuWatchdog
	000003ac    0     wined3d_cs
	000003b0    0     ThreadPoolServiceThread
	000003b4    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	000003b8   -2     ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker
	000003bc    1     Chrome_ChildIOThread
	000003c0    0     wine_threadpool_worker
	000003c4    0     wine_threadpool_waitqueue
	000003c8    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	000003cc    1     VizCompositorThread
	000003d0    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	000003d4    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	000003d8   -2     ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker
0000031c SYSTM.exe
	00000320    0     CrUtilityMain
	00000334    0     LoaderLockSampler
	00000338    0     BrokerEvent
	0000033c    0     ThreadPoolServiceThread
	00000340    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000344   -2     ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker
	00000348    0     Chrome_ChildIOThread
	0000034c    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000350    0     wine_threadpool_worker
	00000354    0     wine_threadpool_waitqueue
	00000358    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	0000035c    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	0000039c   -2     ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker
	000003a4    0     CacheThread_BlockFile
00000328 SYSTM.exe
	0000032c    0     CrashpadMainThread
	00000360    0     ExitCodeWatcherThread
	00000364    0     
	00000368    0     
	0000036c    0     
	00000370    0     wine_threadpool_worker
	00000374    0     wine_threadpool_waitqueue
	00000378    0     
	0000037c    0     
00000390 SYSTM.exe
	00000394    0     CrRendererMain
	000003f0    0     LoaderLockSampler
	000003f4    0     BrokerEvent
	000003f8    0     ThreadPoolServiceThread
	000003fc    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000400   -2     ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker
	00000404    1     Chrome_ChildIOThread
	00000408    0     wine_threadpool_worker
	0000040c    0     wine_threadpool_waitqueue
	00000410    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000414    0     GpuMemoryThread
	00000418    1     Compositor
	0000041c    0     ThreadPoolSingleThreadSharedForegroundBlocking0
	00000420    0     CompositorTileWorker1
	00000424    0     CompositorTileWorker2
	00000428    0     CompositorTileWorker3
	0000042c    0     CompositorTileWorker4
	00000430   -2     CompositorTileWorkerBackground
	00000434    0     
	00000440    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000450    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000454    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000458    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	0000045c    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000460    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000474    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000484    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000488    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
0000047c SYSTM.exe
	00000480    0     CrRendererMain
	000004bc    0     LoaderLockSampler
	000004c0    0     ThreadPoolServiceThread
	000004c4    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	000004c8   -2     ThreadPoolBackgroundWorker
	000004cc    1     Chrome_ChildIOThread
	000004d0    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	000004d4    0     wine_threadpool_worker
	000004d8    0     wine_threadpool_waitqueue
	000004dc    0     GpuMemoryThread
	000004e0    1     Compositor
	000004e4    0     ThreadPoolSingleThreadSharedForegroundBlocking0
	000004e8    0     CompositorTileWorker1
	000004ec    0     CompositorTileWorker2
	000004f0    0     CompositorTileWorker3
	000004f4    0     CompositorTileWorker4
	000004f8   -2     CompositorTileWorkerBackground
	00000510    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000514    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000520    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000524    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000528    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	0000052c    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000540    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
	00000544    0     ThreadPoolForegroundWorker
0000048c explorer.exe
	00000490    0     
	000004a8    0     
	000004ac    0     wine_explorer_display_settings_restorer
	000004b0    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
00000498 (D) C:\users\roland\AppData\Local\SYSTM\app-7.93.1\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\@WahooFitness\sufferfest-btle\dist\WindowsBtle.exe
	0000049c    0 <== 
	000004fc    0     
	00000500    2     
	0000050c    0     
000004a0 conhost.exe
	000004a4    0     
00000518 explorer.exe
	0000051c    0     
	00000530    0     
	00000534    0     wine_explorer_display_settings_restorer
	00000538    0     wine_rpcrt4_server
System information:
    Wine build: wine-10.0 (Staging)
    Platform: x86_64 (guest: i386)
    Version: Windows 7
    Host system: Linux
    Host version: 6.12.10-arch1-1

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