Can't find game directory after installation


I’ve manually installed a windows game in Lutris, pointing the executable to the installer.exe. In the windows installer I set the install path to “drive_c/nameofgame”. The installer completed successfully without errors. However when trying to change the executable to the game.exe in Lutris I can’t find the installation folder. I’ve searched my whole drive for the install folder and cannot find it. When I re-launch the game install in Lutris it shows me the installed game files under drive_c just like I selected it. I’ve been looking everywhere on my drive in linux and cannot find them however and it’s driving me insane.

Any suggestions are welcome.


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Hi, what exactly do you mean?

Excuse me, I had misread

see if you actually installed it in the lutris prefix. Maybe you installed it in the prefix of your general wine outside of lutris.

You can use catfish to search for files or folders on your entire disk. You can also use baobab to scan your entire drive and show you folders ordered by weight.

So you can find where the application is installed

Baobab was really usefull! Didn’t get to the bottom of it however. If it isn’t shown there I have no idea really. Thanks anywho

did you search all partitions and disks?

su is missing, possibly not installing. Or you do not have permission to access the folder where it is installed