Battlefield 1 DXVK not running

I just tried changing the virtual desktop in winecfg 6 times. It keeps going back to 800x600. Very frustrating.

Lutris ignores that. Change it under runner options.

OMG cxf, you’re a genius! I spent the last 2 days trying to get this to work and all I needed to do was change the resolution for the virtual desktop to 1920x1080 in Runner options (and also install libvulkan1). Thanks! Gaming is running well so far.

I also tried it with the esync version of Wine and it works well also. So for everyone else, if you use the script to install the game, you need to install the latest version of DXVK, then ensure you actually have vulkan installed, then set the virtual desktop resolution in Runner options.

Sad… try one finally thing, to run this game I need to put in wine library nvapi and nvapi64 dlls and desactivate both to run bf1, try this…

Esync 3.13 works for you guys? It hangs Origin for me. Some pulseaudio patch is the cause Lutris hasn’t patched it out yet.

The default wine on the script is tkg-3.21-protonified. I have been using tkg-ffxiv3.14 for more than 6 months, and the new wine recommended by the scripts gives me an error when launching bf1.exe (dxgi adapter) Using 4.5tkg fixes it and decreases the stutter of 3.14 by a large margin