Hi guys, I’m trying to install Battle. net(overwatch) and I’m having an issue where I can’t actually login to the battle net.
Here are the logs from lutris and Overwatch
and Finally, the json file of my system will be in the comment section.
Thanks and I hope the issue is resolved Asap
I have this same issue Did you find the solution?
I solved it by re-installing my gnutls and gnutils-32bit libraries.
Can you go into more detail about this? I don’t exactly know what you’re talking about.
Edit: I see what you mean. Installing them fixed the issue for me.
Same problem here. Manjaro. Battle.net even opens offline mode, but I can’t login.
Make sure you have installed all battle.net and wine dependencies https://github.com/lutris/docs/blob/master/Battle.Net.md
I am on Manjaro too and I had a same issue. As I remember I fixed this by installing all dependencies.
<— a likely culprit for these symptoms, chances are it didn’t get installed on Manjaroo (even if you installed Wine to get dependencies)
You probably don’t have lib32-libldap installed either.
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