Anarchy Online "Initial process has exited" at the end of install

I have been having an issue installing a very old MMO Anarchy Online from the Lutris hosted scripts for around a year now, at the very end of the install where it asks if you would like to launch the game, the script (and “lutris -d” ouput log) output changes to “Initial process has exited (return code: 512)” with nothing else in the terminal or script window output between it and the previous “fsync: up and running.” message that sits there for the bulk of the install.

The game launcher actually launches though, even though the script throws that error when you click to launch it, and you can update and run it fine! But you can’t do anything else with the Lutris installer except hit cache or cancel which will remove the install. I could copy the install folder first and manually add it as a custom game if I wanted, but I’m hoping someone might know whats going on with the scripts.

It will throw that error at the end of any of the install options (non steam ones)

Thank you!

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I know this post is years old at this point but I am also having this issue, and it’s about the only game I can’t get installed through any of the means offered.

Read the pinned message and post some details on the DXVK Standalone version installation - I just tried that one with lutris 0.5.16 and it is really SLOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW to install but eventually got there with an exit code 512 - I suspect that copying the script from locally and adding

      return_code: 512

after the prefix line at the end of this section in yaml script

  - task:
      arch: win64
      description: Running Anarchy Online Installer. Please do not run the game until
        this script finishes installing.
      executable: AO_installer
      name: wineexec
      prefix: $GAMEDIR

should fix that part of the installation. It may also need lutris-7.2-2 as the wine version to run, I haven’t tried that

edit: so I aborted the installation but unchecked the box to remove the files, and then manually added the game to lutris by pointing to AnarchyOnline.exe (you can search for this in the drive_c/Funcom folder) and setting the prefix to point to folders just created. The game won’t run with wine-ge-8-26. It does run with wine staging 9.3 and lutris-7.2-2 (at least to the applying patches area and a complaint about gpu).

edit 2: I wish I could share screenshots - it launches to the login screen!!!