Adding a locally installed game to Lutris via terminal


Is there any way that we can add a locally installed game to Lutris via the terminal. I have installed Lutris in Linux RHEL from Flathub using the below commands.

sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
sudo flatpak install flathub net.lutris.Lutris

On entering the command ‘lutris’ or ‘lutris -d’, it says ‘command not found’. I am able to launch Lutris console with the command ‘flatpak run net.lutris.Lutris’, but not sure how to add a game to Lutris via the terminal. I need this for an automation script.

Any help would be appreciated. Also, please suggest if there is any other alternate way to install Lutris so that we can add/install games from command line.


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