A Way to Mark an Error on a Game Page?

So, I know you can suggest changes and it covers quite a bit of the information on a given game’s page but not all of it. Is there a way to mark errors in things you can’t suggest changes for?
To explain what I mean, on the Zoo Tycoon (2001) page the steam link that shows up on the side takes you for the steam page for the 2018 Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection which, as you can sort of guess from the 17 year difference in the publishing dates, is an entirely different game. The suggest changes option doesn’t give any way to mark or fix the error. Maybe this is only a problem if the game isn’t on Steam or if the game has the same name or a very similar one to something that does have a Steam page.

TLDR: Is there a way to mark that the ‘Get It From Steam’ link as incorrect? Should there be?