After opening Lutris I go to the epic option and it asks me to install this and that and yada then fails and pumps this. I tried to do those other outputs and paste them but couldn’t figure them out, the ones from the read first screen. If ya’ll wanna help me do that I’m for it, I did read it though and all I could work out how to do is post the install crash to that Ubuntu Pastebin
wine: failed to open “C:\windows\syswow64\regedit.exe”: c0000135
I don’t know anything about your environment, but that’ll likely be because you’re missing some 32 bit libraries. (“syswow64” on Windows contains 32 bit libraries and programs, “windows on windows 64”)
You may have to add the architecture, for example on *buntu,
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
By the way, don’t spend energy on exit status 256, that’s just a non-zero exit status, indicating error. It has no diagnostic clues. It means the same thing as exit status 1.