Wow randomly crashing during gameplay

Where did it happen? I overloaded a metamorphic draconic ore in the caverns while standing on it and crashed WoW - someone else has an issue with mythic Galakrond fight and crashes, Ardenweald - flying through the section after exiting the void crashed on someone else - just need to look for the pattern of where you are and I can see if I can replicate. Also try switching to dx11 in game, the Galakrond was a bug with textures rendering in dx12 - stable in dx11

It happened while I was reading a quest down near gorgramm (niffen). But I think that it might happen because of raytracing. I disabled it completely now and wanna see if it happens again in these caves.

raytracing could do that - are you running the 550 nvidia drivers?

running 535. rytracing off didn’t do the job. still crashing

Did you try dx11 in game?

not yet. gonna do that next

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was this with dx11? Nothing in any of your logs which points to game settings again

yes it was with dx11

sad panda