[SOLVED] Two different versions of lutris installed but only one picks up my games

I’m trying to troubleshoot lutris by launching it from the command line with Lutris -d but it downloaded a whole new lutris and doesn’t pick up the games already installed, it will however tell me that the folder is occupied if I try to install the same game again.

The first Lutris that will pick up my one game is installed from flatpak, the second one was installed from

sudo apk install lutris

which only happened because before that terminal told me it didn’t recognize the lutris command with just the flatpak lutris installed and instructed me to use the above command.

ANYWAY I think my GPU is on its way out because another game I ran off Steam was having major visual glitches like textures flickering on and off. RIP my sweet RX 590, you served me well. Replacing the GPU will probably fix avalanche of other non-lutris related problems that are just popping up left and right.

[SOLVED] Don’t use the flatpack version if you can help it, just use the .deb from the download tab