Hey, I am having an issue installing Magic the Gathering Arena.
While trying to install using the install link, I am met with an error "compressed file has ended before end-of-stream marker was reached. And while trying to install via the command line I get:
INFO 2019-11-29 07:14:19,030 [application.do_command_line:225]:Running Lutris 0.5.3
INFO 2019-11-29 07:14:19,030 [startup.check_driver:60]:Using X.Org
INFO 2019-11-29 07:14:19,031 [startup.check_driver:65]:Running Mesa driver 19.2.4 on AMD RAVEN (DRM 3.33.0, 5.3.12-1-default, LLVM 9.0.0) (0x15d8)
INFO 2019-11-29 07:14:19,031 [startup.check_driver:75]:GPU: 1002:15D8 17AA:5127 using amdgpu drivers
INFO 2019-11-29 07:14:19,065 [startup.check_vulkan:129]:Vulkan is supported
INFO 2019-11-29 07:14:19,066 [dxvk.get_dxvk_versions:21]:Updating DXVK versions
INFO 2019-11-29 07:14:19,443 [dxvk.get_dxvk_versions:21]:Updating D9VK versions
DEBUG 2019-11-29 07:14:19,705 [interpreter.read_script:68]:Loading script(s) from /home/quore/zack.linscheid/mtga.yaml
ERROR 2019-11-29 07:14:19,753 [installerwindow.validate_scripts:172]:Invalid script: {‘files’: [{‘setup’: ‘https://mtgarena.downloads.wizards.com/Live/Windows32/versions/1952.745934/MTGAInstaller_0.1.1952.745934.msi’}], ‘game’: {‘exe’: ‘drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Wizards of the Coast/MTGA/MTGA.exe’, ‘prefix’: ‘$GAMEDIR’}, ‘installer’: [{‘task’: {‘description’: ‘Creating Wine prefix’, ‘name’: ‘create_prefix’, ‘prefix’: ‘$GAMEDIR’}}, {‘task’: {‘key’: ‘GrabFullscreen’, ‘name’: ‘set_regedit’, ‘path’: ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver’, ‘prefix’: ‘$GAMEDIR’, ‘value’: ‘Y’}}, {‘task’: {‘key’: ‘UseTakeFocus’, ‘name’: ‘set_regedit’, ‘path’: ‘HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver’, ‘prefix’: ‘$GAMEDIR’, ‘value’: ‘N’}}, {‘task’: {‘app’: ‘dotnet472’, ‘description’: ‘Installing .NET 4.7.2. This will take a while…’, ‘name’: ‘winetricks’, ‘prefix’: ‘$GAMEDIR’}}, {‘task’: {‘app’: ‘faudio arial win10’, ‘name’: ‘winetricks’, ‘prefix’: ‘$GAMEDIR’}}, {‘task’: {‘name’: ‘winekill’, ‘prefix’: ‘$GAMEDIR’}}, {‘copy’: {‘dst’: ‘$CACHE/mtg-arena/’, ‘src’: ‘setup’}}, {‘task’: {‘args’: ‘/i “$CACHE/mtg-arena/MTGAInstaller_0.1.1952.745934.msi” /q’, ‘description’: ‘Installing Magic the Gathering Arena’, ‘exclude_processes’: ‘mscorsvw.exe rundll32.exe MTGA.exe UnityCrashHandler32.exe’, ‘executable’: ‘msiexec’, ‘name’: ‘wineexec’, ‘prefix’: ‘$GAMEDIR’}}, {‘task’: {‘name’: ‘winekill’, ‘prefix’: ‘$GAMEDIR’}}], ‘system’: {‘pulse_latency’: True}, ‘wine’: {‘Desktop’: True, ‘esync’: True, ‘version’: ‘tkg-unity-4.5-x86_64’}, ‘description’: ‘’, ‘notes’: ‘’}
ERROR 2019-11-29 07:14:19,754 [errors.init:15]:Missing field “name” in install script
Please let me know if I can provide any other information.